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Microsoft 365 licensing & funding update

Join Microsoft's Kenny Singh for an update on M365 licencing changes and the latest funding available to partners and customers.

Microsoft 365 licensing has gone through some changes recently - particularly around security.

These changes should simplify Microsoft 365 licensing decisions and ensure you only pay for what you need.

We'll also discuss a range of Microsoft-funded programs you can take advantage of, including demos and more.

Webinar: Skype VS Microsoft Teams

Webinar: Skype VS Microsoft Teams

Is your business ready to deploy Microsoft Teams?The introduction of Microsoft Teams is one of the biggest changes to the way users collaborate and...

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Multi-factor Authentication in Microsoft 365

Multi-factor Authentication in Microsoft 365

Everyday, staff across Australia receive phishing emails impersonating Microsoft. This recent proliferation of social engineering and human hacking...

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What's new in Outlook?

What's new in Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook is possibly the least sexy tool in Office 365. BUT, over the last 6 months it's been jam packed with new features that you probably...

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