How to use Microsoft Teams Voice

October 15, 2020
Eren Ercan

in Blog, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, EUC

Microsoft Teams Voice has a simple user-experience and is easy to learn if you're already familiar with the Microsoft Teams application. However, like any new tool, it takes a bit of experimenting before you feel completely comfortable. Not to mention, it always helps to be pointed in the right direction.

What is Microsoft Teams Voice?

Microsoft Teams Voice turns Office 365 into a full-fledged cloud telephony platform. It empowers users to be more productive and collaborative by creating one place for calling colleagues, mobile numbers and Australian landlines.

How to use Microsoft Teams Voice (the basics)

In this seven-part blog series, we'll show you the basic features of Microsoft Teams Voice, so you can start calling with confidence. This blog series includes:

  1. How to make an outbound call using Microsoft Teams Voice.
  2. How to hold, consult and transfer calls using Microsoft Teams Voice.
  3. How to call an existing contact using Microsoft Teams Voice
  4. How to use speed dial with Microsoft Teams Voice.
  5. How to access voicemail in Microsoft Teams Voice.
  6. How to configure your camera, speaker and microphone for Microsoft Teams.

How to use Microsoft Teams Voice (the full video)

Learn about all the Microsoft Teams Voice basics in one video below, or navigate to specific features using the links above.


Microsoft Teams Voice is jam packed with features that will surely knock your socks off and there are new features released every month! To stay up-to-date with latest features, subscribe to The F-Team Business Technology podcast.


Interested in Microsoft Teams Voice?

Contact us to find out how Microsoft Teams Voice can simplify calling and collaboration for your organisation.

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Sed ullamcorper dignissim magna, vitae pretium augue vehicula ut. Curabitur in vestibulum risus. Pellentesque venenatis, mi vitae dictum volutpat, mi erat efficitur elit, quis eleifend augue arcu tristique urna. Vestibulum sit amet lectus nec dolor molestie iaculis. Vestibulum tempor, sapien dignissim hendrerit lobortis, turpis orci hendrerit mi, quis imperdiet eros nulla ut tortor. Nam et tristique neque.




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